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Career Guide

Music Career: Things To Be Taken Note And Earn Passively In 2023.

Music Career
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Just like other careers, a music career is also a successful career when you invest your money and dedicate your time together with the right strategies. So, What are those things to be considered before investing money in starting a career in music?

Before moving towards investing money in your music career; choose the music field you strongly have passion for, know your competitors, know where your target audience are and also have ideas on running successful social media adverts ( social media marketing).

Let’s dive into more details.


Do not just choose the field in music you are passionate about. But having full ideas on how demanding the field is, the popularity and how much it’s worth.

The Requirements: 

Do you have what it takes to become a professional based on the field you prefer?

I personally recommend that you undergo training/ internship in order to know the terms, procedures and how to operate any of the music equipment.

Just like a Music Artist, you have to learn more on vocal tune, songwriting and few other skills on Music production. While as a music publicist, you have to master the social media marketing skills which is the best converting channel in this 21st century.

The Competitors: 

Do some research in the music industry to know the famous and up-and-coming personality in the field of music you prefer. Learn more about them to know who they are, what they do, why people like their Production. And also featuring them in your Production.

The Audience: 

Now, that you have known the bosses on the field, it is time to study which online profile give them a lots of engagements in other to know which social media handle, state or country to focus on as a beginner which will bring in more following/ fan-base if you implement the next step I will be discussing below.

Advertising Channels: 

You have successfully known the right online platform which the majority of your competitor’s fans are mostly active on. Is time to create an account / page. And start posting interesting contents to bring engagement as well as placing adverts for awareness after a few weeks of consistently posting interesting contents on your profiles.

The Income Streams:

Figure out how to make money from your Career by learning more about how online streaming platforms pay, how to get brand endorsement and also how to get more clients.


In the entertainment industry, to become a well known personnel or a public figure, you have to be consistent in your field. Bringing both previous and current Production ( it may be videos or audios), you have to consistently promote it to your target country either through paid or free Ads in order to gain known.

How Much Can You Make From A Music Career?

Career in music is also one of the surest careers to make money Passively if you implement the right strategies on your investment. The money make depends on the following;

  1. Music field
  2. Popularity
  3. Source of income

Music Field: This is the category you choose in your Music career, categories like Musician, song writer, Music producer,and a lot more. This means that the amount of money made by a music producer is not the same as that of a musician, because of the field which opens the door to their personal source of income streams.

Popularity: This one has to do with how known you are as a Music personnel. Do you have a target audience that likes what you present to them as a Musician or in the field of music you are into? Popularity comes once you know what you are offering to the world and how consistent you are on the field. The more popular you are; the more doors open for income streams through brand endorsement and collaboration.

Source Of income: There are lots of opportunities available for a Music personnel to make passive streams of income. 

If you want to make more money from your career, you have to create more sources of income from audiomack, social media, concerts and collaboration charges. 

Can I Start A Music Career With No Money?

You can start a career in music with no money. In this section, I will be explaining the two (2) music fields to get started with no money in addition to the procedures. The field in music I will be concentrating on is owning a Record Label and becoming a Music promoter.

“You can start a career in music with no money, only if you have access to mobile data and connection with music Artists”

Starting a record Label with no money requires you to have access to the Internet, create your Record Label’s brand account or pages on social media and online streaming platforms. Meet up-and-coming Music Artists to promote their songs for free in which you have legal access to their music to promote on your online record Label. 

While, starting as a music promoter is also to have access to the internet, create an account on any social media platform your target Music Artists are mostly active on. Give them tips on how to make their music known and be sure that your write-ups or presentations are legits and educational.

After some months of building trust,you offer to get their songs promoted on any of the trending Music platforms for a token, which will offer you more opportunities to music promotion service.

Mostly Asked Questions On Music career

How often should I produce Music to my audience?

There’s no exact time but you have to bring your Music Production to them not less than thrice (3) a year. What is really important is to interact with them through your social media profiles, do live videos and also host concerts to bring more awareness.

How much does it cost to start a successful Music career?

The amount of money required to start a career in music as a beginner depends on the field in Music you prefer, in which the cost of becoming a Music Artist differs from that of becoming a Music Promoter.

How to start a career in music?

To start a career in music, you have to Know the field you are passionate about, set up a business plan, apply some strategies, implement social media marketing and host concerts for popularity.

In summary:

Investing in a music career is like investing in a business in which you have to be careful, have passion for it, master the terms or skills and also know how you will be making money from it. Graphing a nice business plan for a career in music is a great idea because it will guide you throughout the stages towards a successful career.

Also, implementing online and offline promotions will showcase your talent to the world which will build you, an authority in the field.

Hope you are going to implement the above strategies as soon as you finish reading this article?

I will appreciate, if you can share this article with one of your social media presenters. Much Love!


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