Do you eant to know the amount paid as school fees in Veritas University Abuja?
Are you looking for list of courses offered in Veritas University Abuja?
Veritas University Abuja, is one of the best private universities to attend in Nigeria, as the university is renowned for having good environment for learning, and remarkable lecturers.
Veritas University Abuja school fees?
The amount new students are to pay as school fees in Veritas University Abuja has finally been released.
If you are one of those students who wants to know the amount of money needed as school fees at Veritas University Abuja, then you should not worry, as at the end, you will find out the amount needed as school fees.
Apart from Veritas University Abuja’s school fees for all courses, we have also included the list of courses offered at the university.
Many prefer attending private university such as Veritas University Abuja, because there’s high probability that nothing will disrupt their academic session, unlike in public universities which usually go on stirke as a result of ASUU.
If you have settled for Veritas University Abuja, you have made the right decision, because this institution is one of the best to attend in Nigeria.
I have compiled the list of courses offered in Veritas University Abuja, as well as the amount paid as school fees for all courses.
Attending private universities such as Veritas University Abuja will be the best decision that one will make, because this prestigious university is renowned for having the best facilities, and it is located at the capital city of Nigeria, Abuja.
How much is the school fees of Veritas University Abuja?
The amount paid as school in Veritas University Abuja ranges between ₦740,000.00 – ₦ 860,000.00. This amount includes the accomodation fees.
List Of Courses Offered In Veritas University Abuja Can be seen below;
- Chemistry
- Biological Science(s)
- Microbiology
- Industrial Chemistry
- Mathematics
- English Language & Literary Studies
- Physics with Electronics
- History & International Relations
- Philosophy
- Marketing & Advertisement
- Public Administration
- Political Science & Diplomacy
- Accounting
- Business Administration
- Economics