Are you looking for the list of courses and fees in Evangel University Akaeze?
Do you want to know the list of courses and their school fees in Evangel University Akaeze?
I will reveal to you the suppose amount of money fresh students are to pay as school fees upon gaining admission into Evangel University Akaeze.
Many people have searched for the list of courses and fees at Evangel University Akaeze but have been unable to get the information they needed.
If you’re interested in learning more about the courses available at Evangel University Akaeze, keep reading until the bottom.
If you are unsure about the list of courses at Evangel University Akaeze and want to satisfy your curiosity, be cool as I unfold the list of all courses at Evangel University Akaeze.
Evangel University Akaeze is a popular private owned university in Nigeria. The university is renowned for its outstanding and appealing environment.
If you desired to study at Evangel University Akaeze but couldn’t locate a list of all the courses available, don’t worry since I’ve collected a list of Evangel University Akaeze courses.
Many Nigerian students prefer attending private institutions because it is the best choice due to the ASUU strike. Because public universities will extend your academic year if ASUU declares strike, many Nigerian students prefer attending private institutions.
Some of the advantages of attending a private university in Nigeria include the fact that there will be nothing to disrupt your academic session, and your graduation year will not be extended as it does at public universities owing to ASUU strikes.
Evangel University Akaeze is one of Nigeria’s best private institutions, with a beautiful campus and excellent faculty.
How Much Is Evangel University Akaeze School Fees?
Total School Fee For Students Is N322,000.00.
List Of Courses Offered In Evangel University Akaeze:
- Criminology And Security Studies
- Economics
- English Language
- History and International Studies
- Industrial Chemistry
- Marketing
- Accounting
- Mathematics
- Biochemistry
- Biology
- Banking and Finance
- Biotechnology
- Chemistry
- Business Management
- Mass Communication
- Computer Science
- Medical Laboratory Science
- Microbiology
- Nursing / Nursing Science
- Philosophy
- Physics
- Physiotherapy
- Political Science
- Psychology
- Religious Studies
- Public Health
- Theatre Arts
- Sociology
- Radiography And Radiation Science
- Social Studies (Double Major)
Evangel University Akaeze school fees for Nursing?
Evangel University School fees for nursing is N361,800.00.
Evangel University school fees for Medical Laboratory Science?
Evangel University school fees for Medical Laboratory Science is N361,800.00.
Evangel University School Fees for Radiography?
Schools for Radiography at Evangel University is N361,800.00.
Evangel University dress code?
The dress code for Evangel University is;B lack Skirt and light blue shirt for female, while male is Black trousers and light blue shirt.