Are you looking for the list of courses and fees in Afe Babalola University for 2022/2023?
Do you want to know the list of courses and their school fees in Afe Babalola University for 2022/2023 session?
I’ll show you an estimate of how much new students at Afe Babalola University will have to spend in tuition fees once admitted.
Many students who want to study at this university have sought and failed to obtain a list of the courses and fees that must be paid as a new student.
If you want to know more about the courses available at Afe Babalola University, read the entire article.
If you are unsure and want to satisfy your curiosity, keep reading because I will show you the entire list of courses offered at this prestigious institution.
Afe Babalola University is one of the top private universities in the country, and it is well-known for its visually appealing and inviting environment.
Don’t worry if you wish to attend Afe Babalola University but don’t know its courses and fees; I’ve compiled a list of their courses provided at this higher Institution.
Many Nigerian students prefer private universities to government-owned universities since there will be no interruptions to their academic sessions. Some Nigerian students choose private universities because if ASUU goes on strike, it will impede their studies.
While many people prefer public universities to private ones because they are less expensive, attending a private institution in Nigeria would provide you with benefits such as not experiencing academic session delays or having your graduation year prolonged.
How Much Is Afe Babalola University University School Fees?
Afe Babalola University School Fees ranges from N825,000.00 to N1,355,000.
List of Courses And School Fees In Afe Babalola University
- Civil Engineering
- Economics
- Accounting
- Computer Science
- Biochemistry
- Business administration
- Anatomy
- Political science
- Chemical Engineering
- Finance
- Petroleum Engineering
- Physiology
- Geology
- Mechanical Engineering
- Computer Engineering
- Peace and conflict studies
- Diplomacy
- Chemistry
- Information and Communications Technology
- Industrial Chemistry
- Electronic engineering
- Mechatronics
- Public administration
- Human biology