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FUD Post UTME Past Questions 2023/2024

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FUD Post UTME Past Questions And Answers 2023/2024

Are you a prospective student at the Federal University Dutse (FUD)?
If so, you’re probably wondering how to prepare for the Post UTME exam. One of the best ways to prepare is to study FUD Post UTME past questions

Why Study FUD Post UTME Past Questions?

There are a few reasons why studying FUD Post UTME past questions is a good idea. First, it will give you an idea of the types of questions that are likely to be asked on the exam.
Second, it will help you to familiarize yourself with the format of the exam. Third, it will give you practice answering questions under timed conditions.

Where Can I Find FUD Post UTME Past Questions?

There are a few places where you can find FUD Post UTME past questions. You can find them online, at your local bookstore, or at the FUD library.

How to Study FUD Post UTME Past Questions

Once you have found some FUD Post UTME past questions, you need to study them effectively. Here are a few tips:
  • Start by reading the instructions carefully.
  • Answer the questions on your own first, without looking at the answers.
  • Check your answers against the answer key.
  • If you got a question wrong, review the material related to that question.
  • Repeat this process for all of the past questions that you have.

What is the deadline for the FUD Post UTME exam?

The deadline for the FUD Post UTME exam is typically in September.

FUD Post UTME Past Questions And Answers

This FUD post-UTME past questions and answers PDF is compiled together with the recently held post-UTME exams for 2023.

CRS FUD Past Questions

The king of Assyria who took Samaria was

A. Elah
 B. Shalmaneser 
C. Sennacherib 
D. Hilkiah 
E. Rabshakeh

The prophecy “The soul that sins shall die”, was given by the Prophet

A. Isaiah
B. Amos
 C. Hosea
 D. Jonah
E. Ezekiel

The King of Persia who made it possible for the return of the exiles from Babylon was

A. Darius
B. Cyrus
C. Zechariah
D. Zerubbabel
E. Jeshua

The meaning of Emmanuel is

A. Laughter
B. For I drew him from water
C. God with us
D. The fear of God
E. Just man

About almsgiving Jesus says, when you give your gift, you should

A. Sound trumpets for people to know what you are doing
 B. Give it in church 
C. Let it be known only by you and God
 D. Tell your parents secretly
 E. Tell only your friends Mark’s Gospel starts with

……..was chosen in place of Judas Iscariot

A. Paul
B. Barnabas
C. Junias
D. Matthias
E. Joseph

Who was released by Pilate in place of Jesus?

A. Herod
B. Nicodemus
C. Joseph of Arimathea
D. Barabbas
E. Cleopas

According to the Gospel of Luke the first statement made by Jesus on the cross was

A. It is finished
B. Today you shall be with me in Paradise
C. “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing”
D.  Father into your hands i commit my spirit
 E. Am thirst

The Passover meal is marked.

A. The divine act of God when he slew the Egyptians but spared the Israelites
B. The send-off of the Israelites by Pharaoh
C. The festival of thanksgiving
D. The deliverance from illness
 E. The feast of God’s people.


Under the 1999 constitution, the Chief Law Officer and the Supreme Court Judge respectively are the_______

A. Chief Justice, Chief Judge
B. Minister of Justice, Chief Judge
C. Attorney-General, Chief Justice
D. Chief Registrar of the Supreme Court, Chief Justice

Which of the following was not responsible for the coalition between A. G and N. C. N. C.?

A. The kano riot of 1953
B. Awolowo’s faction seeking to get N. P. C. out of power as opposed to Akintola’s option
C. Contest for the federal election of 1964
D. Akintola’s faction which broke out of A. G. to form UPP

In the 4th republic, the political parties were______


The Economic and Financials Crime Commission (EFCC) scope and nature of duty may not extend to_______

A. Arresting suspects of cyber crime and online fraud
B. Arresting the giver and the taker in a corruption case
C. Conducting trials and punishing persons involved in corruption matters
D. Investigating cases of substance and drug abuse intersecting with money laundering

The Green Revolution programme was the effected manifesto of the …….. in 1979


Nigeria’s federalism is often considered a flaw along the standard test of the Classical federalism ideology labelled along with_______

A. Abraham Lincoln
B. K.C Wheare
C. Thomas Hobbes
D. Aristotle

The most representative organ of the united nations is the_______

A. General Assembly
B. Security Council
C. Economic and Social Council
D. International Court of Justice

Executive Council of the African Union makes decision by_______

A. 1/3 majority vote
B. Discretion
C. Consensus
D. The veto of the General Secretariat

The fact that the office of the Chairman is rotational in ECOWAS makes it a perfect example of a/an ……..
A. Cartel
B. Confederacy
C. Economic and Egalitarian political merger
D. Collegiate

The newspaper established by Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe to protect the interest of nationalists was__________

A. West African Pilot
B. Lagos Weekly Record
C. Daily Times
D. The Comet

One of the effects of the devaluation of the Naira is that the

A. Goods that can be imported with the naira have become cheaper
B. Value of other currencies relative to the naira has become cheaper
C. Goods that can be exported from Nigeria have become costlier
D. Imports that can be bought with the naira have become costlier


Drawing two parallel lines across a cheque means that it has to be paid into the account of the
A. Payee
B. Drawer
C. Drawee
D. Payer

The financial institution established to boost Nigeria’s trade with the rest of the world is called

A. Nigerian Deposit Insurance Corporation
B. Nigerian Economic Reconstruction Fund
C. Nigerian Industrial Development Bank
D. Nigerian Export-Import Bank

Which of the following is both direct and indirect credit enterprise?

A. A co-operative and thrift society
B. Retail co-operative society
C. Consumer co-operative society
D. Wholesaler co-operative society

The business in the stock exchange is characterized essentially by

A. Dealing
B. Brokerage
C. Speculations
D. Transactions

The second-tier security market is
A. An appendage to the Nigeria stock exchange
B. A member of the Nigeria stock exchange
C. Meant for the shares of quoted private companies
D. A regulating arm of the Nigerian stock exchange

The element of the marketing mix are

A. Product, promotion, place, and price
B. [personal selling, advertising, and research
C. Promotion, production, place, and price
D. Procurement, price, product, and place

Which of the following items has the shortest effect on the consumer

A. Fashion
B. Innovation
C. Fad
D. Attribute

Which of the following is a form of sales promotion?

A. Advertising on radio
B. Offering free sample
C. Distributing printed materials
D. Advertising on television

One advantage of personal selling over all other elements of promotion is that

A. It can provide instant feedback
B. It is very cheap in terms of cost per contact
C. It does not need to use mass media
D. Sales people are well trained


A demand which gives rise to the reverse of the law of demand is__________

A. Derived demand
B. Joint demand
C. Abnormal demand
D. Composite demand

If two commodities are unrelated, a change in the price of one will____________

A. Have an effect on the quantity demanded of the other
B. Have no effect on the quantity demanded of the other
C. Increase the quantity demanded on the other
D. Decrease the quantity demanded on the otherDemanded

If we move from 8 to 6, the elasticity of demand is_______

A. -1.25
B. 0.62
C. 1.25
D. 1In perfect competition, the market price is determined by_______

A. The government
B. The producer
C. The consumer
D. The market

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