Are you looking for the list of courses and fees in Afe Babalola University for 2023/2024?
Do you want to know the list of courses and their school fees in Crescent University for 2023/2024 session?
I’ll show you an idea of the tuition prices that incoming Crescent University students may face after getting admission.
Many prospective students have sought and failed to uncover a list of the courses and fees that must be paid as a new student.
If you want more information on Crescent University’s courses, read the article thoroughly.
If you’re not sure and want to satisfy your curiosity, keep reading because I’ll show you the entire list of courses available at this prestigious private institution.
Crescent University, one of the best private universities in the country, is known for its inviting and visually appealing environment.
Don’t worry if you want to attend Crescent University but are unsure about its courses or costs. I’ve put together a list of the courses offered at this higher learning institution.
Many Nigerian students prefer private universities to government-owned ones since their academic sessions will not be disrupted. Some Nigerian students enroll in private universities since an ASUU strike would disrupt their education.
Although public universities are sometimes favoured over private ones due to their lower cost, attending a private university in Nigeria has advantages such as avoiding academic session delays and extending your graduation year.
How Much Is Afe Babalola University University School Fees?
Crescent University School Fees ranges from N280,000 to N1,500,000.
List Of Courses Offered In Crescent University:
- Law – N1,500,000
- Architecture & Hybrid – N300,000
- Accounting – N800,000
- Estate Management – N300,000
- Mass Communication – 700,000
- Anatomy – N800,000
- Computer Science – 700,000
- Economics/O.R – N650,000
- Nursing – N1,300,000
- Islamics Studies – N280,000
- Microbiology – N660,000
- Physiology – N800,000
- Political Sc./LR – N650,000
Does Crescent University offer Nursing?
Yes, Crescent University offer Nursing, and school fees for nursing is 1,300,000 Naira.
Does Crescent University offer Medicine and Surgery?
No, Crescent University does not offer Medicine and Surgery.
Does Crescent University offer Pharmacy?
No, Crescent University does not offer Pharmacy.