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NECO Commerce Questions and Answers

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NECO Commerce Questions and Answers

The National Examinations Council (NECO) is a Nigerian government agency responsible for conducting national examinations at the Ordinary and Advanced levels.

NECO Commerce is one of the most popular subjects offered by candidates in the NECO examinations.

This blog article will provide you with a comprehensive overview of NECO Commerce questions and answers.

We will cover a wide range of topics, including the different types of questions that are asked, the most common mistakes that candidates make, and tips for answering NECO Commerce questions correctly.

Tips for Answering NECO Commerce Questions

Here are some tips for answering NECO Commerce questions correctly:

  • Read the questions carefully and make sure you understand the instructions.

  • If you don’t understand a question, ask your teacher or tutor for help.

  • Take your time and answer the questions in a logical order.

  • Double-check your answers before you submit them.

  • Study the material thoroughly before the exam.

Commerce NECO Questions and Answers

1. Income distribution, nature of natural resources, investment, etc. forms part of the business environment.

A. cultural

B. economic

C. political

D. social

E. technological

2. The fee for sending a telegram depends on the

A. number of lines contained by the message

B. number of words contained in the message

C. the security of the message

D. time it would take the message to reach its destination

E. urgency of the message

3. The combination of product, price,

A. consumer orientation

B. marketing concept

C. marketing mix

D. market research

E. product mix

4. Use the following information to answer the question

Kolawole’s Opening Stock was N10, 000. His purchases was N280,000 Goods returned outward was N3,000, and the Closing Stock was N8,000

Kolawole’s average stock is?

A. N9,000.00

B. N10, 000.00

C. N279,000.00

D. N280,000.00

E. N290,000.00

5. When the supplier changes a retailer for not returning empty packages, the supplier sends him a/an

A. advice note

B. consignment note

C. credit note

D. debit note

E. statement

6. Which of the following is NOT a function of Commerce?

A. Assisting Companies in raising capital

B. Assisting in transporting men and materials to production points

C. Extracting goods for further production and processing

D. Storing goods until they are needed

E. Offering employment opportunities to a large number of people

7. In which order are the following documents used?

I. Enquiry

II. Delivery note

III. Order

IV. Invoice

V. Quotation

A. I, II, III, IV and V

B. I, V, III, IV and II

C. II, I, IV, III and V

D. III, II, V, I and IV

E. V, IV, I, III and II

8. The price of an item is N 300 with a trade discount of 20%, What is the selling price?

A. N180

B. N240

C. N300

D. N360

E. no option

9. A hire purchase transaction becomes a sale when the hirer

A. pays the full cost of the goods

B. agrees with the hire purchase terms

C. takes possession of the goods

D. pays part of the installments

10. An electronic system of communication that serves as the international information bank is called

A. an e-mail

B. a satellite

C. a telex

D. the Internet

11. Shares, stocks, and government bonds trade in the stock exchange market marks: are known as

A. debentures

B. gut-edged stocks

C. merchandises

D. securities

E. treasury bills

12. The practice of selling some goods below market price to attract more customers is known as

A. hoarding

B. loss leader

C. market sharing

D. profiteering

E. speculating

13. Shares that are fully paid can be converted into bulks known as

A. bonds

B. capital reserves

C. debentures

D. guilt-edged securities

E. stocks

14. Telecommunication services are provided by

A. Bureau De Change

B. Courier Services

C. Date Post



15. Use the following information to answer the question

Kolawole’s Opening Stock was N10, 000. His purchases were N280,000 Goods returned outward were N3,000, and the Closing Stock was N8,000

The cost of goods sold is

A. N180,000.00

B. N227,000.00

C. N279,000.00

D. N290,000.00

E. N301,000.00

16. The process of passing information from one person to another in an organization is known as

A. communication

B. co-ordination

C. delegation

D. direction

E. Motivation

17. A financial document stating the reasons for making a payment and details of the payment is

A. bank draft

B. cash book

C. cheque

D. payslip

E. voucher

18. Another name for a foreign order is

A. catalogue

B. export

C. import

D. indent

E. quotation

19. Public debt management is one of the functions of a —– bank

A. central

B. commercial

C. development

D. industrial

E. merchant

20. Which of the following regards the consumer as king?

A. consumer behavior

B. marketing concept

C. market mix

D. pricing policy

E. product mix

21. The most suitable mode of transporting very bulky goods from Lagos to Kaduna is the

A. airplane

B. caravan

C. lorry

D. ship

E. train

22. Adeleke places his vehicle for sale at N150,000,00 Ibrahim had agreed to pay the amount. In this Trans: Adeleke is the

A. agent

B. auctioneer

C. broker

D. offeree

E. offeror

23. The following are methods of quoting prices EXCEPT

A. A.C.I.F

B. F.A.S

C. F.O.B

D. L.O.C.O

E. E.O.E

24. The amount receivable by shareholders after the declaration of profit is called

A. bonus

B. commission

C. dividend

D. interest

E. premium

25. Which of the following is an invisible item of trade?

A. Banking Service

B. Petroleum Product

C. Processed Rice

D. Processed Milk

E. Processed Yam Flour

FAQ About NECO Commerce

What are the most common topics in NECO Commerce?

The most common topics in NECO Commerce include:

  • Business organizations
  • Marketing
  • Financial accounting
  • Management
  • Economics

What are the most common mistakes that candidates make in NECO Commerce?

The most common mistakes that candidates make in NECO Commerce include:

  • Not reading the questions carefully.
  • Not understanding the instructions.
  • Making careless mistakes.
  • Not knowing the material.

How can I prepare for NECO Commerce?

The best way to prepare for NECO Commerce is to study the material thoroughly. You can also practice answering NECO Commerce questions by using practice tests or online resources.


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