Have you been searching for course you can study in Nigerian university despite having D7/D8 in English?
Courses you can study even if you have D7 in English language.
In this article, I show you the list of courses you can study in Nigeria that accept D7/E8 in English language.
If you are one of those who scored low in their O’Level certificate, but still have the intention of going to university without taking another exam, you are in the right place. I have compiled the list of courses you can study in university that accept D7 in English.
Courses That Accept Pass (D7/E8) In English LanguageAccept Pass (D7/E8) In English Language are included this list.
There are several university courses that accept D7/E8 in English Language. I’ll show you a list of such courses that you can study at any university that offers the course.
If you are one of those who doubts that there are courses that accept D7 or E8 in English, this post is for you.
I’ve put together a list of courses that accept D7 or E8 in English. However, obtaining admission to such a course will be simple.
The interesting thing is that you can apply for these courses with an ordinary pass (D7 or E8) in English Language at O’level and be admitted to some of the universities that offered the discipline.
Meanwhile, the main purpose of this post is to guide you on choosing the courses that accept D7 in English language.
Below are the List Of Courses That Accepts D7 In English Language
- Civil Engineering
- Architecture
- Mechanical Engineering
- Animal Science And Fisheries Management
- Education And Chemistry
- Fisheries
- Education And Physics
- Agricultural Economics
- Education And Biology
- Crop Science And Biotechnology
- Education And Geography
- Chemical Engineering
- Education And Science
- Agricultural Science And Education
- Industrial Chemistry
- Industrial Physics
- Microbiology
- Computer Science.
Take note that most of these courses are not available in most Nigerian universities, and some universities do not accept a D7 score. If you are one of the students applying for universities with a pass in English. You should check the most recent JAMB Brochure to confirm the information provided and ensure you meet all other requirements before enrolling in a particular course.