Do you want to know the list of courses offered in Fountain University and the fees?
Are you looking for courses offered in Fountain University and the school fees?
I will show you the list of courses offered at Fountain University, and its school fees.
Fountain University is among the list of private universities in the country that offers a variety of courses.
If you have plans to study at Fountain University but don’t know what courses are available, don’t worry because i will outline the list of courses at the University.
As we all know, Fountain university is regarded as one of the most expensive private universities in Nigeria; but, if you intend to study at the University, you should be ready to spend money.
If you want to study at Fountain but aren’t sure what courses are offered, don’t worry because I’ll go over the list of Fountain University courses.
Fountain University offers a wide range of courses; we spent enough time researching the university’s course offerings.
This university is not just one of the top private universities in Nigeria, but it also has some of the best lecturers, as well as attractive surroundings and building.
If you want to attend Fountain University but aren’t sure how much tuition will be, don’t worry; I’ll show you how much tuition will be courses at the University.
Bare in mind that private institutions in Nigeria are the most expensive to attend because they are mostly funded by individual owners or corporations with a strong commercial motive.
If you’re curious about Fountain University’s tuition fees, be calm and sip some icy cola because I’ll include both the courses and the school fees in the list below.
Fountain University Courses And School Fees
- Mass Communication – N288,500
- Mathematics – N288,500
- Microbiology – N288,500
- Banking and Finance (Mgt) – N288,500
- Biochemistry – N288,500
- Business Administration – N288,500
- Chemistry – N288,500
- Computer Science – N288,500
- Economics – N288,500
- Education and Arabic – N288,500
- Education and Biology – N288,500
- Education and Chemistry – N288,500
- Education and Economics – N288,500
- Philosophy – N288,500
- Physics – N288,500
- Education and English Language – N288,500
- Education and French – N288,500
- Physics with Electronics – N288,500
- Political Science – N288,500
- Sociology – N288,500
- Education Foundation and Management – N288,500
- English Language – N288,500
- French – N288,500
- History and International Relation – N288,500
- Industrial And Environmental Chemistry – N288,500
- Information Resource Management – N288,500
- Islamic Studies – N288,500
- Linguistics – N288,500
- Education and Islamic Studies – N288,500
- Accounting – N288,500
- Adult Education – N288,500
- Arabic Studies – N288,500
- Education and History – N288,500
- Education and Yoruba – N288,500
- Education and Physics 288,500
- Yoruba – N288,500