Do you want to know Ritman University courses?
Do you want to know how much Ritman University charges in school fees?
In this article, you will find out the amount paid as school fees in Ritman University as well as the cut-off mark.
If you’re searching for a list of courses offered at Ritman University, as well as the cut-off mark for All Courses, you’ve come to the right place, because I’ll show you the list of courses offered at this university, as well as the amount of money paid in school fees.
Ritman University is one of Nigeria’s top private universities. The university is one of the most affordable private universities in Nigeria.
Don’t worry if you want to study at this university but aren’t sure about the courses offered, school fees, or the cut-off mark; you’ll find all of the information you need at the end of this article.
As a result of the ASUU strike, the desire to attend a private university in Nigeria has become a growing demand for the next generation of Nigerians, as public universities regularly go on strike, halting students’ academic sessions and extending their graduation year.
If you want to avoid being weighed down whenever ASUU declares stirke as an ambitious University candidate, attending a private owned university is your best option.
Another disadvantage of private universities is their high tuition. If you want to study at a private university in Nigeria, you must be financially prepared because the institutions are expensive.
If you meet all of the requirements listed below, you have everything you need to apply to a private university like Ritman University.
As a result of your decision to attend Ritman University, I have provided you with all of the necessary information.
What are the school fees at Ritman University?
The amount needed as school fees in Ritman University as at the time writing this article is 350,000 Naira.
What is the cut-off point at Ritman University?
The required cut-off mark for Ritman University is 140. You are eligible to apply for this higher learning Institution if your score is 140 or higher in your UTME.
List Of Courses Offered In Ritman University;
- Sociology
- Management
- Accounting
- Industrial Relations and Personnel Management
- Banking and Finance
- Economics
- Mass Communication
- Political Science and Public Administration